ýAOAD organizes a National Training Course on the " Description, propagation and preservation of plant genetic recourses in the gene banks and the different conservational approaches", Doha, Qatar: 20-24/04/2014. |
Within the Arab Program on Agricultural and Fisheries Training, the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) organized, in collaboration with the ministry of environment in the State of Qatar, a national training course on " Description, Propagation and Preservation ýþRead more
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ýH.E Dr. Al-Zadjali, The Director-General of The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) says collaboration of AOAD and BADEA focuses on the development of the human resources of the African countries in the fields of agricultural development and food security. |
A training course jointly organized
by AOAD and the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA)
on the "Preparation, Analysis and Evaluation of Agricultural
Projects" was inaugurated on Sunday 6/4/2014 at AOAD regional office
for the central region Read more
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ý (22) trainees, from (8) Sudanese States successfully completed their training on Good Agricultural Practices(GAP) on Mangos . |
The training course on the Good
Agricultural Practices (GAP) on mangos and the basics of mango
production was concluded on the 28th of April, 2014 at AOAD head
quarters in Khartoum, Sudan. It was attended by (22) trainees from
eight Sudanese States i.e. Gadaref, Khartoum, Kassala, The Northen
State, Sinnar, South Kordofan and River Nile states, ýþRead more
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ý The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) launches two national training courses at its H.Q in Khartoum, Sudan, one on SPSS and the other on Good agricultural Practices (GAP)for Mango. |
Within the framework of its Arab Program for Agricultural and Fisheries Training (APAFT), the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) launched, on Sunday 27/4/2014, at its H.Q. in Khartoum, Sudan, two national training courses, one on "Good Agricultural Practices for Mango, 27-28/4/2014" and the other on " The Use of SPSS in the Analysis
of Agricultural Statistics, 27/4- 1/5/2014". ýþRead more
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ý The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) signs an agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Irrigation in South Darfur State, Sudan, for the construction of a rural women School in Buram.
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) signed, at its head office in Khartoum, Sudan, an agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Irrigation in South Darfur State, Sudan, for the construction of a rural women School in Buram province for the purposes of building and developing the capacities of the rural women in the area.Read more
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ý The Director General of The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) receives the Minister of Agriculture , Livestock and Irrigation in Khartoum State , Sudan. |
H.E Dr Tariq Moosa Al-Zadjali, The Director General of The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) received at his office at AOAD Head Office in Khartoum, Sudan, H.E Mr. Mudathir Abdulghani, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation in Khartoum State, Sudan. ýþRead more
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ý The Expert Group on the Development of a Draft Unified Arab Guidelines Regulations for Aquaculture, meets at AOAD Head Office , Khartoum , Sudan, 29/03/2014. |
H.E Dr. Tariq Moosa Al-Zadjali, the Director-General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) will preside over the meeting of the expert group on the development of Draft Unified Arab Guideline Regulations for Aquaculture which will be held at AOAD Head Office in Khartoum, Sudan from 29/03- 02/04/2014. The meeting will be attended by the group members, ýþRead more
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ý Signing of the Host Agreement for the Premises of AOAD Regional Office in the Arab Mashriq Region. |
The hosting agreement of the premises of AOAD regional office in the Arab Mashriq region was signed on Sunday 27/04/2014, in Amman, Jordan, between the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD), represented by H.E Dr. Tariq Moosa Al-Zadjali, the director general, and the government of the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan, represented by H.E Dr. Atif Al-Zubi, the Jordanian minister
for Agriculture. ýþRead more
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ý Meeting of the Expert Group on the Development of a Unified Arab Strategy for Aquaculture (UASAQ), in Khartoum, Sudan, 23/3/2014. |
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) organized a meeting of an expert group on the development of a Unified Arab Strategy for Aquaculture (UASAQ) at its head office in Khartoum, Sudan from 23-30/03/2014.
The meeting was chaired by H.E Dr. Tariq Mossa Al-Zadjali, the Director-General of AOAD and attended by the 11 experts representing the main Arab countries in the Aquaculture industry.
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ý The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) Participates in the 1st Veterinary Book Fair, Khartoum, Sudan |
The Arab Organization for
Agricultural Development (AOAD) participated in the 1st veterinary
book fair, organized by the Sudanese Union of Veterinarians, in
Khartoum , Sudan, on the 26th of April, 2014. The participation came
as a response to the invitation extended to the organization by the
Secretary- General of the Sudanese Union of Veterinarians.
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ý The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (A0AD) organizes a national meeting on: The Rights of Arab Rural Women working in Agriculture,
AOAD Head office, Khartoum, Sudan,
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (A0AD) organized, in collaboration with the Arab women Organization(AWO), a national meeting on: The Rights of Arab Rural Women working in Agriculture, at AOAD Head office, Khartoum, Sudan, 29-31/12/2013. The meetingRead more
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ý AOAD organizes the 2nd Regular Meeting of Plant Production Research and Technology Transfer Officials, under the theme: Research and Extension Systems and the Relation Between Them", AOAD Head Office in Khartoum, Sudan, 29-31/12/2013
The Arab Organization for Agricultural development (AOAD) held the
2nd Regular Meeting of plant production Research and Technology
Transfer Officials, under the theme: Research and Extension Systems
and the Relation Between Them". The meeting took place at AOAD Head
Office in Khartoum, Sudan, from 29-31/12/2013. Read more
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ý AOAD holds a training course on " Feasibility Studies and Project Evaluation", Cairo, Egypt, 22-26/12/2013
AOAD has held, at its regional office for the central region, Cairo, Egypt, a training course on " Feasibility Studies and Project Evaluation". The course which was organized within the context of the Arab Program for Agriculture and Fisheries Training, was held from 22-26/2013,and was attended by (28) trainees from the agricultural research þRead more
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ý AOAD holds a Training course on " Red Palm Weevil: The Problem and Means of control " Cairo,22-24/12/2013
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) organized a training course on" Red Palm Weevil: The Problem and Means of control ", in Cairo, Egypt, from 22-24/12/2013. ýþRead more
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ý The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) holds a National Training Course on " Diagnosis and Monitoring of Brucellosis", Muscat, Oman, 22-26/12/2013 |
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) organized a National Training Course on " Diagnosis and Monitoring of Brucellosis " Muscat, Sultanate of Oman,22-26/12/2013.The Training course targeted building the capacities of the Arab veterinarians in monitoring and diagnosing brucellosis
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ý AOAD organizes a national training Course on " Development of Agricultural Marketing Strategies " at its Head Office in Khartoum, Sudan, 22-26/12/2013, for 22 Arab trainees
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development(AOAD) has organized a national training Course on "Development of Agricultural Marketing Strategies". The training course was held at AOAD Head Office in Khartoum, Sudan, from 22-26/12/2013, and was attended by ( 22) Arab candidates representing (12) Arab countries, namely: Algeria, Iraq, Jordon, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Tunisia.
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ý Dr. Tariq al-Zadjali, The Director General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development(AOAD) appointed member of the Board of Trustees of Sheik Khalifa International Date Palm Award
H.H Sheik Khalifa Bin Zaid Al-Nahayan, President of the United Arab Emirates(U.A.E) issued the Union Decree No (2/2013) on the formation of the Board of Trustees of Sheik Khalifa International Date Palm Award.The decree stipulated that the Board will be chaired by H.E Sheik Nahayan Bin Mubark Al-Nahayan, Minister for Culture, Youth and Community Development, and membership ýþRead more
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ý The Director General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) Signs Agreements to Provide Tractors to The Five States of Darfur, Sudan |
H.E Dr. Tariq Al-Zadjali, the Director General of AOAD signed agreements to provide five 80 HP agricultural tractors equipped with scrapers to each of North, South and West Darfur States. The agreements were countersigned by the honorable Ministers of Agriculture in the three beneficiary states. The signing ceremony ýþRead more
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ý The Director General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) declares the Arab fish export value at US$ (2) billion
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) organized, at its regional office for the central region, in Cairo, Egypt, 3-5/12/2012,the 3rd regular Meeting for The Arab senior officials and research and technology transfer experts in the field of fisheries, under the theme: (Research and Technology Transfer in Extensive Aquaculture). ýþRead more
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Addressing the workshop on "Innovations: Our Way to Attaining Food Security", the D.G. Of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) calls for the utilization of innovations and inventions to achieve Arab food Security |
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) organized, in collaboration with the Department of Intellectual Property and Competitiveness of the League of Arab States, a workshop on "Innovations: Our Way to Attaining Food Security". The workshop was held at the Head Office of the League of Arab States in Cairo, Egypt, from 3-4/12/2013.ý
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The Executive Council (EC) of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development( AOAD) holds its 42nd regular session at the Head office of the League of Arab States(LAS)in Cairo, Egypt, 19/12/2013 |
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development( AOAD) held the 42nd session of the Executive Council(EC) on Thursday, 19th of December 2013 at the Head office of the League of Arab States ( LAS), Cairo, Egypt. The Session was presided over by H.E Abdulwahab Nouri, Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development, Algeria, Chairman of the Council and was attended by their excellencies members of the EC as well as the representative of LAS General secretariat. ý
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The Arab Organization for Agricultural
Development (AOAD) participates in the 2nd Africa-Arab
Economic Forum, Kuwait 11-12, November 2013. |
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) has participated in the 2"d Africa-Arab Economic Forum, Kuwait 11-12 November 2013,where H.E Dr. Tariq Moosa Al- Zadjali, the Director-General of the Organization presented a presentation on the African- Arab cooperation in the field of food security. The presentation addressed
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The Arab Organization for Agricultural
Development (AOAD) organizes a training course on
"Veterinary Health Care for Poultry Projects, Khartoum,
Sudan. |
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) organized a training course on "Veterinary Health Care for Poultry Projects" at its Head Office in Khartoum, from 10- 14/11/2013. The course was attended by (13) Sudanese veterinarians, representing four Sudanese States namely: Khartoum, Algazeeirah, Sinar and River Nile States. The training course was organized under the components of The Arab Program for Agriculture and Fisheries Training.ýþRead more
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Training Course on "Development of the
Skills of Users of Remote Sensing Technologies in
Downloading and Processing high-resolution Satellite
Imagery. Cairo, Egypt 11-12/11/2013. |
Within the activities of the Arab program for Agriculture and Fisheries Training in the Arab Countries, The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) organized a training course on "Development of The Skills of Users of Remote Sensing Technologies in Downloading and Processing high-resolution Satellite imagery".
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AOAD participates in the 5th edition
of the International Exhibition of Fishing and Aquaculture
(SIPA 2013), Oran, Algeria, 6-9/11/3013. |
H.E Dr. Tariq al-Zadjali, the Director-General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development(AOAD) has led the organization's delegation to the 5th edition of the international exhibition of fishing and aquaculture (SIPA 2013),which was organized at Oran (west of Algeria) from November 6th to November 9th 2013.
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The D.G of AOAD presides a
Coordinative Technical Meeting on Pest Control by using of
Irradiation, Jordon, 23-24/10/2013. |
Within the activities of the transboundary animal diseases (TADs) control program, included in the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development ( AOAD) action plan for the year 2013, the organization convened a coordinative technical meeting to develop a comprehensive vision
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AOAD Organizes a Training Course on
Pesticides and their Safe Use at it's Regional Office for
The Central Region, Cairo, Egypt, 28-30/10/2013. |
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) has organized a training course on "Pesticides and Their Safe Use" at it's regional Office for The Central Region, Cairo, Egypt. The course started on 28/10 and concluded on 30/10/2013 and was attended by concerned persons from the concerned Egyptian Authorities. ýþRead more
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AOAD celebrates the 41st anniversary
of the Arab Food Day |
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) celebrated
on the 27TH OF September of this year, the 41st anniversary of the
Arab Food Day. The annual celebration of this day commemorates the
date on which the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development
(AOAD) commenced it's ýþRead more
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AOAD Organizes a Training Course on Modern
Techniques in Shrimp Farming
Cairo, Egypt, 15-17/09/2013
Within the framework of the Arab Program for Agriculture and
Fisheries Training, The Arab Organization for Agricultural
Development (AOAD) organized, at its regional office for the central
region, Cairo, Egypt, a training course on the modern techniques in
shrimp farming from ý
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The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) signs a one million fifty thousand Egyptian Pound contract for the supply of Corn kernel strippers (Farata) to small farmers in Egypt.
H.E Dr. Al-Zadjali, Tariq Moosa, The Director General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development(AOAD) signed a contract to the value of EGP(1050000) with an Egyptian company for the supply of corn kernel strippers (Ar.Farata) to be distributed to small farmers at al- Sharqiya and al-Minya provinces of Egypt.þRead more
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The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) organizes a training Course on Artificial Insemination in Small Ruminants,
Cairo, Egypt, 8-12/09/2013,
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) organized, within the Arab Program for Agriculture and Fisheries Training(APAFT), a training course in Cairo, Egypt, 8-12/09/2013, on artificial insemination in small ruminants.The course was attended by (24) technical personnel from the Ministry of Agriculture
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(AOAD) Undertakes to Rehabilitate the Main Canal of Seleit Agricultural Scheme in Khartoum State, Sudan |
The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development
(AOAD) signed, this Sunday the 1ST of September 2013, a contract
with SAS construction company for the rehabilitation of the main
canal of Seleit Agricultural Scheme in Khartoum State, Sudan. The
scheme suffered serious damage as a result of the devastating floods
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Signs a Protocol for Cooperation with the Ministry of
Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Khartoum State, Sudan
The Arab organization for agricultural development (AOAD) signed this Sunday, the 1st of September, 2013, a protocol of cooperation in the fields of Agriculture, Animal and fisheries wealth with the ministry of Agriculture , Livestock and Irrigation, Khartoum state, Sudan.
The protocol sets the framework for joint cooperation and coordination between the two parties in the specified fields.
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(AOAD) Signs a Protocol for
Cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and
Irrigation, Khartoum State, Sudan |
The Arab organization for agricultural development (AOAD) signed this Sunday, the 1st of September, 2013, a protocol of cooperation in the fields of Agriculture, Animal and fisheries wealth with the ministry of Agriculture , Livestock and Irrigation, Khartoum state, Sudan.
The protocol sets the framework for joint cooperation and coordination between the two parties in the specified fields.
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AOAD Organizes a National training Course on the Manufacturing of Fish Feed and Fish Nutrition,
Cairo 7-11/4/2013
The Arab
Organization organized, within the framework of its Arab Program for
Agricultural and Fisheries Training (APAFT), a national training
course on the manufacturing of Fish Feed and Fish Nutrition at the
premises of its regional office for the central region in Cairo,
Egypt during the period 7-11/4/2013.
Read more
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AOAD and Sudan Police force's Social Fund (SPFSF)
signs MOU
This Monday
28/3/2011 , AOAD and SPFSF signed a MOU to facilitate for cooperation in
fields of aquaculture , fodder production , greenhouses agriculture,
animal fattening and other related agricultural activities.The MOU was
signed by H.E Dr. Tariq Al-Zadjali - Director-General of AOAD and H.E
Major General Abdullah M. Ahmed Abudoumat- Director of SPSF Read More ..... |
D.G of AOAD receives O.I.E visiting delegation
H.E. Dr. Tariq Al-Zadjali- Director –General of AOAD , received at his office at the organization headquarters , on Monday 28/3/2011, Dr. Ghazi Yehia , OIE regional representative for The Middle East , Mr. Tim Trevan , Executive Director, International Council for the Life Science( ICLS) , Dr. Ahmed Bashir and Dr. Eltayeb A. Ali, members of the BBIC Steering Committee
Read More ..... |
AOAD and The Ministry of Agriculture , Jordon, sign an agreement to construct an earth Dam at Al-Azraq.
On 25/12/2010 , H.E Dr. Tariq al-Zadjali- Director General of AOAD and H.E Dr. Taysir al-Samadi, Minister of Agriculture, Jordon , have concluded in Amman , an agreement for the construction of an Earth Dam at al-Azraq district in the kingdom.The two-million capacity dam , known as 'Wadi al-Hurth Dam' is planed to enhance the rainwater harvesting capabilities of Jordon for the sake of pastoralists , cattle herders as well as improving the flora of the region Read More ..... |
Training course on " Diagnosis and Control of Poultry Diseases".
AOAD Arab Office for Animal Health has Organized a training course on "Diagnosis and Control of Poultry Diseases" at the organization headquarters in Khartoum, from 11-13/1/2011.The training course was aimed to build the capacity of the participating (20) Sudanese veterinary doctors who work in the poultry industry, on the inspection Read More ..... |
AOAD Visits The River Nile State in Northern Sudan
Within the framework of the implementation of the first phase of the executive plan of the Arab Emergency Food Ssecurity Programme, H.E Dr. Tariq Al-Zadjali- The Director – General of The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) , accompanied by a high –level team of experts, visited Ad'damar , the Capital of The River Nile state on Thursday 12/1/2011, where he was received by H.E. Lt General Al-Hadi Abdullah Mohammed Al-Aawad Read More ..... |
Saudi Veterinary Team Visit AOAD Headquarters
A team of Saudi veterinary doctors , undergoing a training programme with the Sudanese Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Wealth in the field of Camels , visited the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) Headquarters in Khartoum on Tuesday 11/1/2011 where they called on H.E Dr Tariq al-Zadjali- The Director- General of the Organization Read More ..... |
AOAD organizes a training course on Diagnosis and Control of Farm Animal Parasites
The Arab office for animal health of the Arab organization for agricultural development has organized a training course on " diagnosis and control of farm animal parasites " at the Organization's Headquarters in Khartoum, from 10 -13 November 2011
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