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About AOAD

Founded in 1970 by the decision taken by the Council of Arab League, the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) commenced its duties in 1972 from its headquarters in Khartoum. AOAD’s objectives were to establish and enhance ties amongst Arab states and coordinate their cooperation in all agricultural fields and activities; particularly in the development of human and natural resources, raising the efficiency of agricultural & animal production, developing water resources, reaching Arab agricultural integration and sustainable development to achieve Arab food security and Pan Arab economical integration aiming at achieving the Arab common market.

The organizational structure of AOAD is composed of the General Assembly, Executive Council and the General Administration. Being the supreme legislative authority, the General Assembly consists of Agriculture Ministers representing all the 21 member states of the Arab League. The Executive Council, which consists of seven ministers elected by the General Assembly at its biannual ordinary sessions, supervises the work of the Administration and contributes to the preparation of working programs and AOAD’s plans of action.

General Administration is the executive and administrative body of AOAD operating within the framework determined by the General Assembly. The General Administration is composed of seven departments namely; Studies  & Researches, Food Security, Water Resources Development, Execution Projects, Human Resources Development, Technical & Scientific Cooperation and Administrative & Financial Affairs. In addition to its offices located in 10 Arab states, the General Administration consists of many specialized centres and units such as the Information & Documentation Centre, Arab Centre for Studies and Projects and the Arab Institute of Forestry, Range and Biodiversity.

To achieve its above-mentioned objectives, AOAD, as being the Arab House of Expertise, executes a diversified range of projects as well as conducting technical feasibility studies in areas such as the development of human resources; providing and developing water resources; expanding/reclaim of agricultural land resources; combating desertification, controlling agricultural diseases and animal epidemic; preserving and developing animal resources and fisheries and conserving environment at both national and regional level for the benefit of its member states. In this regard, AOAD uses a comprehensive and highly sophisticated database of all agricultural information and statistics and, moreover, assigns experts from inside and outside the organization to study and supervise the implementation of these projects on site. The role of AOAD goes beyond the Arab borders to contribute in the agricultural and livestock development through many ongoing projects within the African continent, thus reflects the concept of ‘Afro-Arab Cooperation’ in reality.

To finance its ongoing projects and activities, AOAD relies on annual contributions from member states, as well as securing funds from regional, international institutions and donors to execute these developmental projects.

Being a specialized inter-governmental regional organization, AOAD maintains strong relations of partnership, coordination and collaboration with many Arab, regional and international organizations either within the framework of the Arab League, UN specialized agencies, NGOs or other professional associations.


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Arab Organization for Agricultural Development