Organizational Chart

الجمعية العامة للمنظمة

أ- تتكون الجمعية العامة من ممثلي جميع الدول الأعضاء ويكون التمثيل على مستوى الوزراء أو من ينوب عنهم، ويكون لكل عضو صوت واحد.
‌ب- تكون رئاسة الجمعية بالتناوب وفقاً للترتيب الهجائي للدول الأعضاء في جامعة الدول العربية، وتكون مدة الرئاسة سنتين.
‌ج- تجتمع الجمعية العامة مرة واحدة كل عامين في دورة عادية ويجوز للجمعية العامة عقد دورات غير عادية بناءً على طلب ثلث الدول الأعضاء أو المجلس التنفيذي ويحدد رئيس الجمعية مكان وموعد الانعقاد بالتشاور مع مدير عام المنظمة.
‌د- يشكل ثلثا أعضاء الجمعية العامة النصاب القانوني لاجتماعاتها، وتتخذ كافة القرارات بأغلبية الأعضاء الحضور.

اختصاصات الجمعية العامة:

الجمعية العامة هي السلطة التشريعية للمنظمة، وتختص باعتماد الإستراتيجية والسياسات العامة التي تسير عليها المنظمة، وتخطيط ومتابعة برامجها وأنشطتها ومراقبة أعمالها الفنية والمالية والإدارية، ولها أن تتخذ ما تراه لازماً من قرارات وإجراءات لتحقيق أغراض المنظمة في حدود اتفاقية الإنشاء وعلى الأخص:

أ- إقرار خطط المنظمة الإنمائية وبرامج عملها، وميزانيتها ، وذلك كل سنتين، وإحالتها إلى المجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي.
‌ب- انتخاب أعضاء المجلس التنفيذي.
‌ج- انتخاب أعضاء هيئة الرقابة المالية لمدة سنتين.
‌د- تعيين مراقبي الحسابات القانونيين وإنهاء عقودهم.
‌هـ- تعيين مدير عام المنظمة والمدير العام المساعد وفقاً لأحكام النظام الأساسي الموحد لموظفي المنظمات العربية المتخصصة.
‌و- تشكيل اللجان الدائمة والمؤقتة واعتماد توصياتها.
‌ز- إنشاء مكاتب إقليمية للمنظمة في أقاليم الوطن العربي وإلغائها بموافقة المجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي. ‌
ح- المصادقة على تقرير المجلس التنفيذي المرفوع إليها من المدير العام.
‌ط- مراجعة الحسابات الختامية للمنظمة والتصديق عليها.
ي- إقرار ميزانية المنظمة كل سنتين وإحالتها إلى المجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي.
‌ك- تنظيم التعاون بين المنظمة والدول والهيئات الدولية.
‌ل- تعديل اتفاقية إنشاء المنظمة بالكيفية المحددة في المادة (14).
‌م- قبول أعضاء جدد بها أو انسحاب أحد أعضائها .

المجلس التنفيذي

المجلس التنفيذي :

‌أ- يتكون المجلس التنفيذي من ثـمـانية أعضاء تنتخبهم الجمعية العامة من بين أعضائها دورياً لمدة سنتين بحيث يتم تمثيل كل إقليم من الأقاليم العربية الأربعة بدولتين ويكون لكل عضو بالمجلس صوت واحد.
‌ب- ينتخب المجلس التنفيذي من بين أعضائه رئيساً له ونائباً للرئيس لمدة سنتين.
‌ج- يجتمع المجلس التنفيذي في دورة انعقاد عادية مرة كل ستة أشهر أو ثـمانية شهور بعد موافقة الجمعية العامة، ويحدد رئيس المجلس مكان وموعد الانعقاد بالتشاور مع مدير عام المنظمة.
‌د- يجوز للمجلس التنفيذي عقد دورات غير عادية بدعوة من رئيسه أو بناءً على طلب المدير العام للمنظمة، أو أربعة من أعضائه على الأقل، ويحدد في الدعوة جدول أعمال الدورة غير العادية ومكان وموعد انعقادها.
هـ- يعتبر انعقاد المجلس التنفيذي قانونياً بحضور أكثر من نصف عدد الأعضاء، وتصدر قراراته وتوصياته بأغلبية أصوات الأعضاء الحاضرين، وفي حالة تساوي الأصوات يرجح الجانب الذي منه الرئيس.

اختصاصات المجلس التنفيذي:

يكون المجلس التنفيذي بمثابة مجلس إدارة المنظمة، ويختص بما يلي:
‌أ- اقتراح برامج عمل المنظمة ورفع التوصيات بشأنها للجمعية العامة للتصديق عليها.
‌ب- دراسة مشروع خطة عمل المنظمة وموازنتها لسنتين ثم إحالتها للجمعية العامة للتصديق عليها.
‌ج- دراسة الحساب الختامي للمنظمة ورفع التوصية بشأنه إلى الجمعية العامة للتصديق عليه.
‌د- دراسة التقارير السنوية المقدمة من الإدارة العامة للمنظمة، والخاصة بتنفيذ الأنشطة وسبل الإنفاق وإعطاء التوجيهات المناسبة حيالها.
هـ- السعي مع الإدارة العامة لتوفير التمويل المالي اللازم للمنظمة. ‌و- اتخاذ كافة الوسائل التي من شأنها تحقيق أهداف المنظمة. ‌ز- متابعة تنفيذ قرارات الجمعية العامة ومتابعة تنفيذ خطط المنظمة وبرامجها.

الإدارة العامة للمنظمة:

تتكون الإدارة العامة من المدير العام للمنظمة والموظفين الرئيسيين والفنيين والإداريين. اختصاصات الإدارة العامة:
1- إعداد خطة سنوية مفصلة للتدريب والتطوير وتخصيص المبالغ اللازمة لتنفيذها ضمن الموازنة.
2- معاونة المدير العام في تنفيذ البرامج والقرارات وإعداد خطة عمل للمنظمة تتضمن المشروعات والبرامج السنوية وتقديم تقارير متابعة دورية تتضمن تقويماً لما تم تنفيذه وعرضها على المدير العام.
3- الاتصال بالجهات المختصة في الدول الأعضاء والمنظمات والأجهزة المتخصصة وسائر الإدارات الأخرى وفقاً للأسس المقررة من المدير العام.
4- التحضير لاجتماعات الجمعية العمومية والمجلس التنفيذي والاشتراك في الاجتماعات التي يرى المدير العام أهمية مشاركتها بها.
5- متابعة الإجراءات الإدارية والمالية الخاصة بها وإخطار الإدارة المالية أولاً بأول بأي نشاط تترتب عليه أعباء مالية.

For the general manager is the head of the general administration, The General Assembly shall appoint him in accordance with the provisions of the amended agreement establishing the organization for a period of four years, renewable only once. In a manner that does not violate the rules and conditions stipulated in the unified statute for the employees of specialized Arab organizations and is consistent with the criteria and conditions that must be met by the candidate for the position of Director General, which are determined by a decision of the General Assembly.

Terms of reference:

The Director General shall be responsible before the General Assembly and the Executive Council for all the work of the general administration. It manages the organization’s business. It works to implement the resolutions and programs approved by the General Assembly and the Executive Council. He represents the organization in conferences and before various bodies, states and countries, defends its interests, contracts and litigates on its behalf. It also performs all tasks entrusted to it by the General Assembly and the Executive Council. In particular, it undertakes the following:

1- Appointing the employees of the organization in accordance with the provisions of the unified statute for the employees of specialized Arab organizations.
2- Submit a periodic report to the Executive Council and the General Assembly every two years on the work of the general administration.
3- Preparing draft work plans for the development organization, and supervising its implementation.
4- Preparing a draft plan and work program for the organization for two years, and presenting it to the Executive Council and the General Assembly.
5- Preparing the draft annual budget of the organization every two years.
6- Submitting an annual report on the final accounts approved by the legal auditor and the Financial Supervisory Authority of the organization and submitting it to the Executive Council, and then to the General Assembly.
7- Preparing research and reports requested by the General Assembly or the Executive Council.
The Director General reports directly to the following administrative divisions:

Assistant General Manager.
General manager’s office.
Internal control unit.
Performance appraisal unit.
Information Systems Unit.
Management of agricultural integration and food security.
Regional offices.
Arab Technical Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment.

The General Assembly shall appoint the Assistant Director General from among the candidates of the Member States for a term of four years, renewable for one time only. Taking into account the rule of trading between member states and on the basis of competence and distinguished experience, He is renewed for a second term based on a proposal from the Director General.

With the assistance of the Director General, he supervises the work of the general administration and the conduct of the organization’s business, and assumes the position of the Director General in the event of a vacancy.

The Assistant General Manager shall be responsible to the Director General for carrying out the following tasks:

1- Assisting the Director General in supervising the implementation and follow-up of approved plans, programs and projects in accordance with the frameworks and directives specified by the Director General.

2- Preparing a proposal for the organization’s budget and submitting it to the Director General.

3- Supervising all administrative and financial work in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and directives of the Director General, And submit monthly reports in this regard.

4- Preparing a proposal for the annual technical program plan and budget, and submitting it to the Director General.

5- Supervising the implementation of the Technical Programs Department for its work in accordance with the approved plan and the directives of the Director General, Submitting monthly reports.

6- Preparing an annual proposal for training and capacity building programmes, And studies and consultations / and submitting it to the Director General for accreditation.

7- Supervising the follow-up of the implementation of training and capacity-building programs, in addition to studies and consultations. Preparing a monthly report in this regard to be submitted to the Director General.

8- Assisting the Director General in coordinating between the administrative and financial affairs departments. technical programmes, training, studies and consulting, And the regional offices of the organization at the level of implementation, follow-up and evaluation.

9- Proposing technical, educational and training projects and programs that are compatible with the objectives of the organization. In order to achieve additional financing for it.

10- Any other tasks assigned to him by the Director General.

The Assistant General Manager supervises the following administrative divisions:

  • Department of Finance and Administration Affairs.

  • Technical program management.

  • Management of training, studies and consulting.

The General Manager’s office performs the following tasks:

  • Transmitting directives, instructions, decisions and circulars issued by the Director General. and follow up on its implementation.
  • Follow up all incoming and outgoing correspondence to and from the Director General.
  • Preparing and presenting issues to the Director General in coordination with the relevant authorities.
  • Provide all necessary reports, data and information to the Director General in his interviews and meetings.
  • Supervising the documentation of documents, records and documents related to the meetings of the General Assembly, the Executive Council and the committees.
  • Supervising the organization and management of documents and archives.
  • Coordination with departments to organize the participation of the General Manager in conferences, seminars and meetings.
  • Participate in the preparation of the Arab, regional and international conferences and meetings that the organization attends at the invitation of its partners.
  • Carrying out all matters related to public relations.
  • Preparing an annual proposal for a media program that covers all the activities of the organization and implementing the approved one.
  • Prepare to do all issues of public relations.
  • Carry out any work assigned to him by the General Manager.

The office supervises the units assisting the general manager, which are:

  • Documents module.
  • External Relations Unit.
  • Public Relations and Media Unit.
  • Documents Unit : This unit performs the following tasks:

Compliance with the implementation of the document classification system, the schedules of their retention periods, and the necessary procedures in this regard.

Carrying out all work related to incoming and outgoing mail to and from the organization.

Manage documents and make them available in accordance with approved procedures.

Carrying out any other related tasks assigned by the General Manager.

  • External Relations Unit : This unit performs the following tasks:

Follow-up of regional and global developments in areas related to the work of the organization, which helps to develop strategies and plans.

Proposing ways of coordination between the organization and its Arab, regional and international counterparts.

– Studying the feasibility of cooperation with external bodies and the extent of the return on the organization’s performance from those agreements.

Propose a partnership strategy with external agencies to ensure the promotion of the mental image of the organization and the transfer of knowledge and expertise to the Arab region.

Follow-up on existing agreements and work to strengthen them by proposing new projects.

Attracting external funds to implement joint programs and projects between the organization and its Arab, regional and international counterparts.

  • Public Relations and Media Unit: This unit performs the following tasks:

Supporting the social aspects and establishing cultural and recreational activities for the organization’s employees.

Strengthening the organization’s relationship with the community in which it operates.

Determine the necessary procedures for the security and protection of the assets and resources of the organization.

Preparing visit schedules for the public administration, issuing invitations on various occasions, and preparing places designated for meetings, seminars and parties, in coordination with the relevant authorities.

– Follow-up procedures for customs clearance of items received by the General Administration and ensure obtaining the prescribed exemptions.

Finalizing the procedures for residency, tickets and travel permits in official missions, receiving and seeing off the employees and guests of the organization.

Preparing information leaflets and introductory documents on the organization’s activities, translating them into living languages, printing and distributing them.

Cooperating with the media to cover the organization’s activities inside and outside the headquarters countries. Follow-up of what is issued in the media by the organization and respond to what is raised in it.

Providing the information material for the organization’s website on the Internet and supervising its translation into living languages, And work to improve the site.

Providing media coverage for all seminars, meetings and conferences that the organization holds or participates in. Informing about the activities of the organization and introducing its projects, programmes, plans, achievements and various publications.

Enhancing the mental image of the organization and publishing reports and statistics related to the organization’s work.

According to the needs of the organization, the general manager can seek the assistance of a group of consultants with specializations and competencies that are not available within the organization, whether in the technical or legal aspects.

For example, but not limited to, the legal advisor is specialized in the following:

  • Expressing advice and legal opinion in the application of laws and regulations, Participate in the legal drafting of contracts, decisions, draft systems and internal regulations.
  • To handle the disputes in which the organization is a party, And defend their rights before the competent administrative and judicial authorities.
  • Expressing an advisory legal opinion on the interpretation of texts, rules and regulations issued by the meetings of the General Assembly, the Executive Council and the organization’s committees.

A- On the financial side:

  • Ensure the integrity of the opening entries and their conformity with the approved balances for the previous fiscal year.
  • Submit proposals regarding the use of financial resources in an effective and economical manner.
  • Monitoring commitment and disbursement contracts with which the organization is associated and the stages of implementation and disbursement in accordance with the provisions of the unified financial and accounting system for specialized Arab organizations.
  • Ensure the regularity of financial operations and their consistency with texts, regulations and instructions.
  • Ensuring the availability and preservation of procedures to ensure the protection and safety of the organization’s funds and assets.
  • Regular evaluation of the adequacy of systems, rules and procedures for internal control and the soundness of their application.
  • Verify exchange operations and that they are approved by the competent authority according to the original documents and ensure that they are stamped to ensure that the exchange is not repeated and that documents not approved by the competent authority are not confirmed.
  • Verify the correctness and accuracy of accounting treatments from the start of the process until it is reflected in the financial statements, and the regularity of recording financial transactions as they occur, and there are no unrecorded transactions.
  • Checking the preservation and circulation of seals and books of value (checks, Collection and disbursement receipts), keeping documents and records according to the stipulated statute of limitations, keeping bank guarantees, following up on their renewal, and recording them in accounting records.
  • Ensure that all accounts opened with local and foreign banks are included in the accounts of the organization and that the authorized signatories are authorized according to the existing powers.
  • Ensuring the request and receipt of confirmations from banks and external parties (debtors and creditors) and matching the statements received from outside the organization with those extracted from the organization’s records.
  • Examination of bank accounts reconciliation memorandums and accounting entries made in their regard, As well as the sums attached to the memorandum and ensure that there is no overdraft.
  • That the documentary, legal, accounting and accounting audits be carried out in accordance with the principles and standards of international auditing and accounting.
  • Ensure the validity of insurance documents and contracts on property and funds.
  • Reviewing warehouse management systems, regulatory custody, purchases, fixed assets, methods of calculating depreciation, verifying the actual existence of assets and correctness of accounting treatment.
  • Participate in his functional capacity in the inventory committees of all kinds and match the actual balances with the book balances.
  • Examine the personal cash covenant system and the extent of compliance with the rules governing it.
  • In the case of applying electronic systems (accounting, inventory management, procurement systems, Human resources) It is necessary to have sufficient knowledge of these systems, to ensure the integrity of the accounting links, that the inputs and outputs are sound, and to ensure that the data is backed up according to the practice in this field. .

B- On the administrative and substantive side:

  • Ensure that administrative decisions are implemented and that they are issued by the competent authority according to the issued authorizations and that they comply with the rules and regulations.
  • Review personnel files to ensure they are complete (appointment decisions, job contract, employment documents, career, leave movement).
  • Checking salaries and all changes to them, additions and deductions, Decisions to assign official missions, additional work and promotions are made in accordance with the rules and regulations.
  • Reviewing contracts concluded by the organization (real estate, Cars … etc.) and ensure their validity and that they were carried out according to the organizing rules and that there are no violations in their regard.
  • Review the landline and mobile phone numbers of the organization and how to allocate them to ensure their validity and the possibility of differentiating between personal and official calls.
  • Ensure that the employees sign all the documents that they prepared to determine the responsibilities and ensure that the transactions are kept in their files.
  • Expressing an opinion to the Director General on all bids, tenders and contracts that the organization intends to sign with third parties before concluding them.

The unit performs the following tasks:

  • Carrying out evaluations of plans, projects and programs and measuring their contribution to achieving the intended results.
  • Carrying out the interim and final quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the programs in the stages of their preparation, during their implementation and upon their completion.
  • Contribute to the evaluation of the organization’s performance and submit periodic reports.

The unit performs the following tasks:

  • Building databases, publishing information and statistical systems and networks, expert systems, and information security programs and maintaining them.
  • Providing information systems to address problems related to the agricultural and fisheries sectors and the environment, to assess risks and to know the level of their threats.
  • Analysis, design and development of geographic information systems and remote sensing.
  • Contribute to tracking areas exposed or threatened by drought, desertification, floods, forest fires, the spread of transboundary animal diseases and epidemics, in coordination with specialized departments and units.
  • Contribute to determining agricultural crop areas and estimating crop yields. To track the situation of Arab food security in coordination with specialized departments and units.
  • Providing decision makers with accurate information.
  • Preparing a training plan for specialized Arab cadres and qualifying them in the field of information and documentation systems. .

Its terms of reference are as follows:

  • Follow up the implementation of the agricultural development strategy and food security programs in the Arab world.
  • Conducting studies, implementing activities, and creating mechanisms that will enhance Arab agricultural integration to reduce the food gap in the Arab world.
  • Preparing and issuing periodic reports monitoring the state of Arab agriculture and food security conditions.
  • Preparing and issuing annual agricultural and fisheries statistical reports at the level of the Arab world.
  • Implementation of an Arab agricultural documentation system.
  • Proposing programs to build human capacities in related fields.

The department has two units:

– Follow-up Unit for Arab Agricultural Development and Food Security Strategy.

Statistics and Documentation Unit.

Agricultural Strategy and Food Security Follow-up Unit : Its terms of reference are as follows:

– Follow-up of the strategy for sustainable agricultural development for the two decades (2005-2025) to find out the achievements of countries within its framework and to prepare a periodic report on it.

Follow up on the implementation of the Arab countries’ emergency program for Arab food security and submit a periodic report on it.

Supporting coordination and cooperation efforts between Arab countries in the fields of agricultural and fisheries legislation and policies and intra-Arab agricultural trade.

Support efforts to develop the production and provision of food commodities and improve nutritional conditions.

Analyzing the situation of Arab food security and preparing an annual report on it.

Coordination of Arab policies and legislation in the agricultural and fisheries sector.

Encouraging investment and promoting projects related to increasing and improving agricultural and food production at the joint Arab-Qatari level.

Statistics and Documentation Unit :

Compiling and analyzing Arab agricultural and fisheries statistical data and preparing and issuing comprehensive reports on them.

Developing and updating the issuance of the following statistical periodicals and publishing them electronically:

o The Arab Agricultural Statistics Yearbook.

o Yearbook of fish statistics in the Arab world.

o Issuing statistical bulletins on prices of agricultural and other commodities.

Cooperating with regional and international organizations in the field of exchanging statistics and experiences and coordinating with them.

Developing an annual training program that meets the needs of Arab countries in the field of collecting, analyzing and disseminating agricultural statistics to build the capacities of workers in this field.

Preparing electronic bulletins and periodic reports.

Monitoring, documenting and broadcasting the intellectual production issued by the organization and received from regional and international development, research and academic institutions, bodies and organizations.

Exchanging publications and documents with the relevant authorities. and strengthening Qatari, regional and international cooperation between Arab, regional and international libraries and documentation and information centres,

Building and acquiring databases of bibliographic information, In addition to providing the necessary information for the members and experts of the organization and providing ongoing briefing services and providing publications, studies and references.

The regional offices are considered the executive arms of the organization in the geographical Arab regions, represented in:

  • Levant Region Office (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan).
  • The office of the Arabian Peninsula region and its activities cover Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, the Emirates, and Oman. and Yemen.
  • The regional office in the central region and its activities cover Egypt, Djibouti, Somalia and the United Comoros, As for Sudan, the country of the headquarters of the organization, the general administration covers the activities there.
  • The Maghreb region office, covering its activities in Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania.

The regional offices perform the following tasks:

  • Submitting proposals for programs and activities in the countries of the region in accordance with the terms of reference and objectives of the organization.
  • Strengthening the relationship and enhancing cooperation between the competent authorities in the countries of the region and the organization.
  • Supervising the implementation and follow-up of the programs and activities included in the organization’s action plan in the countries of the region.
  • Follow-up on the payment of contributions by the countries of the region to the organization’s budget, as well as arrears, if any. • Work to attract financing and technical support for activities and projects in the countries of the region.
  • Preparing reports on the situation and condition of agriculture and food in the region, as well as its developments and trends.
  • Submitting monthly reports on the activities of the office to the general administration.
  • Carry out any other duties assigned by the General Manager.

The Institute specializes in the following:

  • Preparing academic programs for intermediate qualification in the fields of agriculture, fisheries and the environment.
  • Preparing the institute to receive high school or agricultural students to study in accordance with the conditions approved by the academic committee of the institute.
  • Implementation of the academic program by selecting teachers who meet the conditions set by the Academic Committee.
  • Preparing tests, monitoring and documenting results in accordance with applicable procedures in this regard.
  • Carrying out all financial and administrative matters in accordance with the systems and regulations in force in the organization.
  • Supervising all internal housing requirements at the Institute.
  • Coordinating and cooperating with universities and other relevant institutes in order to develop the academic level at the institute.
  • Any other tasks assigned by the academic committee.

This department performs the following tasks:

Preparing programs and frameworks that will enhance technical cooperation between Arab countries in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, environmental related fields and irrigation water.

Suggesting and preparing Arab guiding laws and regulations in the relevant agricultural, fishery and environmental fields and irrigation water.

Creating and managing Arab networks specialized in agricultural fields, both plant and animal, fisheries and the environment.

Propose programs to build human capacities in the relevant agricultural, fisheries and environmental technical fields.

Proposing capacity-building programs in the field of development and sustainable use of irrigation water.

Follow up on international agreements related to the relevant agricultural, fisheries and environmental sectors.

Work on coordinating and strengthening Arab positions in the relevant agricultural, fisheries and environmental fields in regional and international forums.

Conducting studies and providing technical support in the relevant agricultural, fisheries and environmental fields.

Any other work assigned to him by the General Manager.

The Department consists of the following organizational units:

  • Agricultural and Environmental Programs Unit.
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture Program Unit.

Agricultural and Environmental Programs Unit: This unit is concerned with the following tasks:

Supervision of Arab networks specialized in the fields of plants, animals and irrigation water.

Supervising the management of an Arab network for climate change related to agricultural development and food security.

Propose national programs in the fields of agricultural development (plant and animal) and sustainable rural development and follow up on their implementation.

Proposing and preparing Arab guiding laws and regulations in the various plant and animal fields

. Proposing and preparing Arab guiding laws and regulations in the areas of development and use of irrigation water, combating desertification, managing wetlands and other related matters.

Inventory and evaluation of plant and animal genetic resources data in coordination with the Information Systems Unit.

Implementation of relevant programs in the organization’s plan.

Providing support and technical advice for the conservation, preservation and development of agricultural resources.

Paying attention to building Arab frameworks and cadres to advance the process of sustainable agricultural development, in coordination with the Training Unit.

Conducting studies and providing technical support in the relevant agricultural and environmental fields and irrigation water.

Follow up on international agreements and treaties related to agricultural and environmental affairs in coordination with the External Relations Unit.

Any other related work assigned to him.

Fisheries and Aquaculture Program Unit: This unit is responsible for the following tasks:

Proposing frameworks and mechanisms that would coordinate and enhance cooperation between Arab countries in the fields of fisheries and aquaculture.

Suggesting and preparing Arab guiding laws and regulations related to fisheries.

Work to coordinate Arab positions in regional and international forums related to fisheries and aquaculture.

Supervising the management of Arab networks specialized in developing fisheries.

Implementation of relevant programs in the organization’s plan.

Conducting studies and providing technical support in the fields of fisheries and aquaculture.

Capacity building and human resource development in coordination with the training unit.

Follow up on international agreements and treaties related to fisheries in coordination with the Foreign Relations Unit.

Any other related work assigned to him.

This department performs the following tasks:

Implementation of the unified statute for the employees of specialized Arab organizations.

Implementation of the unified financial and accounting system for specialized Arab organizations.

Providing services that would preserve the property of the organization that are needed by the various departments.

Any other related work assigned to him.

The Department consists of the following organizational units:

  • Administrative Affairs and Services Unit.
  • Finance unit.

The following are the functions of the two units:

Administrative Affairs and Services Unit: This unit is responsible for the following tasks:

Applying the rules and regulations for personnel affairs.

Providing the necessary services for the employees of the organization and carrying out their social and health care programs.

Developing a job budget project based on the proposals received from the organization’s departments.

Preparing a plan for the organization’s needs of various human cadres.

– Follow-up of the completion of the efficiency reports data for the organization’s employees.

Providing the necessary services for the maintenance of buildings and equipment.

Securing essential services and resources for the organization’s work.

Control the attendance and departure of the organization’s employees.

Implementation of the periodic maintenance program for means of transport, equipment and machinery.

Organizing and controlling the movement of the organization’s vehicles.

Finance Unit: This unit is responsible for the following tasks:

Preparing the draft budget based on the proposals of the organization’s departments.

Setting the rules for implementing the budget in accordance with the decisions of the General Assembly and the Executive Council, the financial and administrative regulations, and the applicable accounting systems.

Follow-up the implementation of the budget items after their approval and the implementation of various exchange operations, while fulfilling the conditions and documents accompanying their operations.

Follow up the implementation of financial systems, accounting and documentary courses, and keep records, books, and files required by the nature of the work, according to the periods stipulated in the unified accounting system.

– Preparing financial reports and final accounts for the organization.

Manage the organization’s incoming financial resources and associated funds and improve their utilization.

Collecting the organization’s funds and revenues from various sources.

Providing the needs of the general administration of goods and services and following up on inventory and warehouse operations.

– Carry out storage operations for different items and related records and inventory.

– Working on controlling the permanent and temporary covenants, following up on their operations and replacing them.

Ensure the accuracy of accounting work.

Submitting reports and recommendations that limit the depletion and waste of the organization’s funds.

Studying the reports of the financial controller and the oversight body and expressing an opinion thereon.

Any other related work assigned to him.

This department performs the following tasks:

Coordinating with departments and specialized units in the organization to prepare the training plan in the organization and implement and follow up approved by them.

Coordination and follow-up with all departments and specialized units in the organization regarding the development and implementation of the studies and consulting program in the organization.

Studying all requests received by the organization regarding conducting studies or providing consultations of all kinds (short and long term) in coordination with the specialized departments and units in the organization and submitting integrated proposals regarding their cost and implementation mechanism.

– Attracting external funding to conduct studies and provide consultations and technical support. Any other work assigned to him by the General Manager. The Department consists of the following organizational units:

  • Training unit.
  • Studies and Consultations Unit.

Training unit: This unit is responsible for the following tasks:

Implementation, follow-up and evaluation of training activities and programs included in the organization’s action plans.

Implementation of training programs for government agencies, private sector institutions, civil society organizations, and development, Arab, regional and international institutions, according to the request of those bodies.

. Providing technical and scientific advice in areas related to the development of human resources working in the agricultural sectors inside and outside the Arab region.

Cooperation with Arab, regional and international institutions and organizations concerned with agricultural development. In preparing, organizing and implementing training activities and programs on contractual basis.

Any other related work assigned to him.

Studies and Consultations Unit: This unit is responsible for the following tasks:

Preparing feasibility studies for development projects entrusted to it in competitions with other houses of expertise.

Coordination with specialized departments and units regarding the implementation of studies and the provision of consultations.

Providing specialized studies in the field of work of the organization.

Preparing strategies in the fields of agriculture, fisheries and the environment.

Providing consultations in the field of the organization’s work, according to the request of the authorities.

Attracting support, funding and external aid.

Any other related work assigned to him.