Action Plans and Achievements – Projects of good management, participation and availability of agricultural knowledge technically and institutionally to support decision makers

Fifth: Projects for good management, participation and availability of agricultural knowledge technically and institutionally to support decision makers:

Agricultural knowledge is considered one of the pillars of the development of the agricultural sector, as through new knowledge, acquired experiences, results of research, studies and agricultural technologies, the agricultural sector can achieve remarkable growth in light of the availability of this knowledge. The sharing of knowledge increases the opportunity for information exchange in many agricultural sectors, and this is what the organization’s strategy seeks in the coming years, as it allocates an appropriate space for the process of good management, sharing and making available agricultural knowledge technically and institutionally to support decision makers in its annual plans and programmes, through which it seeks to :

  • Adopting and developing innovative systems and methods for generating agricultural knowledge.
  • Improving the effectiveness of communication systems and disseminating agricultural knowledge on a regular basis to all stakeholders.
  • Promoting and supporting specialized networks and partnerships in the Arab world and internationally.

To achieve this, the organization included in its strategy a program concerned with good management, sharing and availability of agricultural knowledge. It is the main program for building human and institutional capacities and providing agricultural knowledge (Knowledge Repository), which includes the following sub-programs:

  • The agricultural and fisheries extension, rehabilitation and training sub-program
  • Agricultural Statistics and Information Subprogramme
  • The sub-program of documentation and dissemination of agricultural knowledge
  • The sub-program of specialized agricultural networks and strengthening partnerships with relevant local, regional and international organizations and institutions
  • The sub-programme for building human and institutional capacities