The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development holds the fourth annual meeting of the Arab Network for Rural, Bedouin and Coastal Women

  • Post published:27/12/2022

The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development held on Tuesday, December 27, 2022 AD, The fourth annual meeting of the Arab Network for Rural, Bedouin and Coastal Women, Which is implemented by the organization in person from its headquarters in Khartoum - Republic of Sudan. and via video conferencing technology, This is within the framework of its follow-up to the implementation of the two-year plan 2021-2022 AD and the activities of the Arab Network for Rural, Bedouin and Coastal Women in the Arab member states. With the participation of FAO experts and regional offices, In addition to 11 female coordinators from Jordan, Tunisia, Iraq, Sultanate of Oman, Palestine, Lebanon , libya, Egypt , Mauritania. The meeting aims to discuss the follow-up to the recommendations of the third meeting of the network,…

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The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development inaugurates the Qatari training course in the field of date palm production and care

  • Post published:25/12/2022

The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development opened on Sunday, December 25, 2022 AD, The activities of the Qatari training course in the field of date palm production and care, “Main Horticultural Operations for Date Palm Care”, Which is implemented by the organization in its regional office in the Arab Middle Region in the Arab Republic of Egypt. For the benefit of 35 participants from among the cadres of agricultural researchers working in the date palm sector, This comes within the framework of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development's annual program for country training in the Arab countries. The course, which lasts for five days, aims to introduce the participants to the methods of palm propagation. establishing nurseries, Palm propagation (shootings - tissue culture), ground service (heading and fertilizing), Palm head…

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