Programmers – Arab rural prosperity projects

Fourthly: Projects for the development and prosperity of the Arab countryside, rehabilitation and support for adapting capabilities to environmental, economic and societal changes related to the agricultural sector:

The countryside occupies an important position in the agricultural economic structure in the Arab world, as it contributes about 80% of the total agricultural output, and more than 60% of the Arab labor force works in this sector. Despite the economic importance of the Arab countryside, it suffers from many difficulties, perhaps the most important of which is the decline in productivity and the consequent decrease in the standard of living and malnutrition and its impact on the economic and social situation of the rural population, and thus their ability to face these difficulties and constraints decreases. Therefore, and through the experience of the organization and its previous experiences, it seeks to develop and prosper the Arab countryside, and to qualify and support the capabilities of adapting to environmental, economic and societal changes related to the agricultural sector by achieving improvement in the livelihood of small producers and empowering women and youth, as well as strengthening the steadfastness and resilience of rural communities to adapt to environmental, economic and societal changes.

To achieve this, the organization has developed a special program for this topic. The main program for rural development and prosperity, innovation and entrepreneurship to empower women and youth and reduce disparities: From which three sub-programs emerge:

  • The sub-programme to improve livelihoods in rural Arab countries.
  • Sub-program for innovation and agripreneurship.
  • The sub-program to enhance the capabilities of small producers.