
Arab League

Arab Organization for Agricultural Development


Arab League

Arab Organization for Agricultural Development


It started today, Monday, January 16, 2023 AD. joint mission of the Group of Five Sahel countries, and the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, visit the Republic of Niger, The third stop of her awareness-raising tour in the countries of the group to prepare for the launch of the technical and economic feasibility study for the food security program in the five countries of the Sahel group. It is a study funded jointly by the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa and the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development. The organization carries out The tour has so far included Mauritania and Burkina Faso.

In the Burkinabe capital, Ouagadougou, the second station of the mission after the Mauritanian capital, Nouakchott. Over two days, the delegation held working sessions with the general secretaries of the ministries of health and public hygiene. industrial development, handicrafts, small and medium enterprises, agriculture, livestock and fisheries, environment, water and disinfection, Economics, finance and foresight.

And the officials in Burkina Faso expressed their gratitude to the bank, the organization and their general managers for their accompaniment to the countries of the region in this difficult circumstance, which is characterized by a security deterioration that the region has not known in the past. It cannot be bypassed by pure security measures that will not bear fruit unless they are supported by development programs in the field of combating poverty and resilience of vulnerable groups. This is what the program to be implemented seeks in the light of this study.

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