Action Plans and Achievements – Projects to support the transformation and adaptation of agricultural and food systems to eradicate hunger and reduce poverty

First: Projects to support the transformation and adaptation of agricultural and food systems to eradicate hunger and reduce poverty

The projects in this group aim to achieve a set of goals, perhaps the most important of which are: Developing, developing and sustaining competitive Arab agricultural production that helps eradicate hunger and reduce poverty. Develop rural farming systems for small producers and family farming and support innovation, agripreneurship, value chain approaches and rural industrialization. This is done through the main program for transferring technologies, increasing and sustaining agricultural production, productivity and yield, and its following sub-programs:

  1. The sub-program for adopting and disseminating modern and appropriate agricultural technologies, smart agricultural technologies, and adapting to climatic and environmental variables for sustainable agricultural production.
  2. The sub-program for the adoption and dissemination of aquaculture technologies
  3. The subprogramme is for the adoption and dissemination of good agricultural practices and circular economy in the agricultural sector and food systems