
Arab League

Arab Organization for Agricultural Development


Arab League

Arab Organization for Agricultural Development


It opened on the morning of Friday, March 31, 2023 AD. In the village of Taiba Iniassin, Kolkh Province, Senegal, The workshop to launch the model project for the rehabilitation of Toul Bay Inias Farm, With the kind initiative of His Eminence the General Caliph of Al-Faydah Al-Tijaniya, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Mahi, Sheikh Ibrahim Aniyas, With funding from the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa and follow-up and evaluation by the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development.

This project, which was funded by half a million dollars in the form of a free grant, will enable the reclamation of twenty hectares for growing vegetables, including ten hectares irrigated by drip irrigation and ten hectares of flood irrigation. A fully equipped well with a water tank will also be dug, in addition to constructing a rural road inside the farm that It will also be fenced, in addition to constructing buildings for various uses, and acquiring tricycles to transport production, as well as refrigeration equipment and solar energy equipment.

In addition to these facilities, the project includes the establishment of three poultry farms, two of which are for laying hens and one for broiler chickens. The production of each of these farms will reach 3,000 chickens. Production inputs will also be provided to implement the first production season on the farm.

The Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa and the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development sent a joint delegation to participate in the project launch workshop consisting of six experts. The Senegalese government also sent a delegation from the Ministry of Economy, Planning and International Cooperation, and the Ministry of Agriculture, in addition to the governor and mayor of Taiba province, where a ceremony was held. The opening was under the supervision of Sheikh Mahi Sisi, the official spokesman for the General Caliph of the Tijaniya Order, who was appointed to represent him in this important demonstration.

The completion of the project work will take a period of one year, and will be implemented by private companies and service providers that will be selected for this purpose. The Rural Development Administration in the state of Kulakh will supervise the implementation of the project on the ground, with follow-up and evaluation by the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development. The opening ceremony was marked by a welcome speech from the Mayor of Tayyip Anisin Municipality, which It includes 22 villages benefiting from the project. Its residents participated extensively in the opening ceremony of the workshop, and then representatives of the bank, the organization, the Ministry of Economy, Cooperation and Planning, the Ministry of Agriculture, the governor of the province, and the representative of the General Caliph of the Tijaniya order in Senegal took the stage for interventions.

In his speech, the representative of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development conveyed to the attendees the greetings of His Excellency Professor Ibrahim Adam Al-Dakhiri, Director General of the Organization, and Dr. Sidi Ould Al-Tah, Director General of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, before mentioning the organization’s keenness to carry out the follow-up and evaluation process to the fullest extent, calling on the implementing agencies to master the preparation Tender files, strictness in selecting service providers, close follow-up of them during work, and vigilance when receiving facilities after their completion, highlighting that the organization and the bank will continue to closely follow all these stages.

After that, the organization’s delegation presented the components of the project, the proposed time frames for implementing the various components, the follow-up and evaluation indicators specified for each component, and the place occupied by alleviating the suffering of rural women and improving their living conditions within the objectives of the project. The representative of the bank also provided an introduction to the work methodology followed by them in this type of operations, especially the management of finance resource .

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