
Arab League

Arab Organization for Agricultural Development


Arab League

Arab Organization for Agricultural Development


Within the framework of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development’s endeavor to bring about a real transformation in the agricultural and food systems of its member states, Improving food security conditions by increasing the local production of food gap crops, especially cereals, especially wheat, On Monday, March 20, 2023, the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development dispatched a team of experts to the State of Libya to discuss with the government a proposal to develop a system for the settlement of grain seeds. Upon his arrival, the team held a meeting with His Excellency the Undersecretary of the Libyan Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Mr. Mohamed Bashir Al-Turki, in the presence of a number of agricultural work leaders in the Ministry. His Excellency welcomed the organization’s team and appreciated the role of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, led by His Excellency the Director General, Prof. Ibrahim Al-Dakhiri, in its endeavor to achieve agricultural development and food security. Then the two teams went to a meeting in which the ministry’s vision was presented in the presence of the Undersecretary and researchers from the Agricultural Research and Extension Center and the Director of the National Seed Center, where the Director of Seeds presented a vision for the development of the seed system in the State of Libya, and the vision was discussed and it was agreed to develop a proposal that meets state aspirations.

Then the organization’s team, accompanied by the organization’s focal point, visited the Misurata research station, experimental fields, demonstration fields, and models of the informal seed multiplication program with farmers. In addition to a visit to the seed processing plant, Where the team examined the available capabilities and the challenges facing the center, then the delegation returned to Tripoli and held a meeting with the Undersecretary and the Ministry’s team. They were informed of the visits made by the organization’s team and were briefed on the team’s vision for the settlement of seeds in the State of Libya. It was agreed to form a team by the Ministry and the organization to develop the proposal in a way that achieves the settlement of wheat seeds in the State of Libya.

The organization’s team continued to develop the first draft of the proposal for the wheat settlement project in the State of Libya, in consultation with government officials concerned with agricultural affairs and the private sector, in an effort to develop a proposal for the system for developing grain seeds in the country.

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