
Arab League

Arab Organization for Agricultural Development


Arab League

Arab Organization for Agricultural Development


The joint mission between the Group of Five Sahel Countries and the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development continues its awareness-raising tour on the technical and financial feasibility study for the food security program in the countries of the Group of Five Sahel countries. The mission, which began its journey on the ninth of this month, visited Mauritania, Burkina Faso and Niger and is currently in Chad last stop tour.

The previous stage of the visit was the Republic of Niger, in which the mission stayed from January 14 to 17. Working meetings were held with the various relevant ministerial sectors, chaired by the secretaries general of the ministries of planning, agriculture, industrial development, youth entrepreneurship, livestock, environment and fisheries.

During these meetings, the greetings of their Excellencies the Directors General of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa and the Director General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, Dr. It undertakes its implementation by seizing the opportunity to update the data of the diagnostic study of agricultural, animal and fisheries capacities that was completed in the year 2018, in order to avoid some of the shortcomings that were recorded at that time, especially with regard to ensuring that the content of the current study truly reflects the priorities of the concerned ministries and their vision of the various problems at hand and ways to solve them. On the other hand, the difficulties encountered by some national consultants in obtaining information during the completion of the previous study.

In this context, The delegation stressed that the course of the current study includes the organization of national workshops on the interim reports, in which all concerned partners participate in order to submit their observations on this report to be taken into account in the final version of the update study. The delegation also requested the appointment of a coordinator for the study at the level of each concerned ministry to be a counterpart to the national consultant to provide him with the required information and to ensure that this information reflects the government’s point of view.

The general secretaries and their assistants expressed their admiration for this approach and extended their thanks and gratitude to the bank, the organization and the executive secretariat of the Group of Five Sahel countries and their leaders.

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