You are currently viewing The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development participates in the specialized dialogue session on foot and mouth disease, facts and developments on Saturday 11/2/2023 Amman – Jordan

The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development participates in the specialized dialogue session on foot and mouth disease, facts and developments on Saturday 11/2/2023 Amman – Jordan

Under the auspices of His Excellency Engineer Khaled Musa Shehadeh Al Hanifat, the Jordanian Minister of Agriculture, On Saturday 11/2/2023, the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, represented by its experts in the Levant Office, participated in the activities of the specialized dialogue session on “Foot and Mouth Fever Facts and Developments”.

The dialogue session included a number of scientific papers, a paper entitled (What is foot and mouth disease), A paper entitled (foot and mouth disease facts on the ground), A paper entitled (The National Foot and Mouth Disease Campaign, Objectives and Results), A paper entitled (The Economic Effects of Foot and Mouth Fever on the Private Sector), A paper entitled (Responsible media in crises, foot-and-mouth disease as a model).

In his speech, His Excellency Eng. Al-Hunaifat stressed that the foot-and-mouth disease problem that afflicted the cattle sector is on its way to being resolved, and that work mechanisms in the animal production sector will change by establishing veterinary hospitals in Jordan. in the middle and south, And providing equipment for a veterinary hospital in the North at the University of Science and Technology.