Action Plans and Achievements – Projects promoting Arab agricultural integration and framing mechanisms, procedures, policies and systems for Arab agricultural trade and investment

Third: Projects promoting Arab agricultural integration and framing mechanisms, procedures, policies and systems for Arab agricultural trade and investment:

Arab agricultural integration remains a lofty goal that the organization and member states seek to find coordination mechanisms that contribute to its consolidation, the creation of appropriate climates, and the unification of trade and investment policies in the agricultural sector through the implementation of projects related to the promotion, development, strengthening and framework of mechanisms, procedures, policies and systems of agricultural trade and investment at the Arab national level, through Improving the investment environment in agriculture and agricultural and food processing, Coordination and development of Arab agricultural trade systems.

For this purpose, the organization has set in its strategy two programs to achieve this goal, namely:

  1. The main program to enhance the competitiveness of agricultural products and improve the Arab agricultural investment and trade environment includes two sub-programs:
  • The sub-program to enhance the quality of agricultural and fishery products and raise their competitive capabilities, and the effectiveness of agricultural markets
  • The sub-program for coordinating and harmonizing Arab agricultural policies and legislation, improving the environment and promoting Arab agricultural investment
  1. The fourth main program for plant and animal health and food safety:

Which includes the following sub-programs:

  • Animal pests and diseases subprogramme
  • Plant pests and diseases sub-program
  • Food safety sub-program