You are currently viewing 4- The main program for plant and animal health and food safety

4- The main program for plant and animal health and food safety

This program will contribute to achieving the third strategic objective, which is to promote Arab agricultural integration and frame mechanisms, procedures and policies for Arab agricultural trade and investment systems. It will contribute to achieving the following sub-objectives:

  • Preserving human, plant and animal health by supporting frameworks and mechanisms for combating common, transient and endemic pests and diseases.

  • Raise the competitiveness of Arab agricultural products by supporting food safety frameworks and mechanisms.

It also aims to achieve the following sustainable development goals:

  • Goal 2: Ending hunger, providing food security and improved nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture.

  • Goal 12: Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns.

It includes three sub-programs as follows:

  • Animal pests and diseases subprogramme.

  • Plant pests and diseases subprogramme.

  • Food safety sub-program.