This Monday
28/3/2011 , AOAD and SPFSF signed a MOU to facilitate for
cooperation in fields of aquaculture , fodder production ,
greenhouses agriculture, animal fattening and other related
agricultural activities.

The MOU was
signed by H.E Dr. Tariq Al-Zadjali - Director-General of
AOAD and H.E Major General Abdullah M. Ahmed Abudoumat-
Director of SPSF. The signing ceremony took place at AOAD
headquarters in Khartoum and was witnessed by H.E
Lieutenant-General Dr. Al-Adil Agib Yaqoub - Deputy Chief ,
Inspector-General of Sudan police force and many senior
police officers as well as AOAD experts.

The two
parties formed a joint committee and designated liaison
officers to follow-up and monitor the implementation of the