The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) has participated in the 2"d
Africa-Arab Economic Forum, Kuwait 11-12 November 2013,where H.E Dr. Tariq Moosa Al-
Zadjali, the Director-General of the Organization presented a presentation on the African-
Arab cooperation in the field of food security. The presentation addressed the food
security situation in the African and Arab regions , showing the status of the production of
food commodities to be relatively high for the Arab population compared with their
production in the sub-Saharan African countries, with the productivity of food crops being
below the international levels for most crops in both regions. The food losses and waste
are estimated at around (1.3) billion tons /year worthing US$(1.0) trillion, with the postharvest
waste for cereal crops estimated at (13%) of the total cereal production in the Arab
countries and ranging between 10-20% at the storage stage in the sub-Saharan African
countries. It further reflected on the developments of foreign trade of food commodities,
undernourishment situations, food gap and self sufficiency rates in the two regions. The
presentation has also focused on the fisheries sector including fish production and the main
challenges facing the sector in the two regions, fish trade and its marketing systems and
fish processing systems and the challenges they face.
The presentation has also included the proposed areas of joint Africa-Arab cooperation to
enhance food security and development of fisheries, the most important of which being :
Cooperation in the implementation of the Joint Action Plan (JAP) for Agricultural
Development and Food Security in the two Regions, as approved by the Africa-Arab Summit,
Sirt, Libya 2010. The JAP calls for the intensification of agricultural production through the
establishment of joint projects and strategic reserves, development of storage systems,
establishment of Africa-Arab Network for strategic food reserves, development of field
irrigation systems, rationalization of the use of irrigation water, development of rural
infrastructure, facilitation and boosting of Afro-Arab agro-trade. It has also emphasized the
importance of considering the feasibility of establishing Afro-Arab companies for grain
production, vegetable oils, sugar as well as agricultural imputs , machiary and equipments .
In the field of fisheries the proposed areas of cooperation included assessment of fish
stocks, development of infrastructure, manufacturing of boats and fishing gears,
development of fish industries ,fishing and aquaculture , research and technology transfer
and capacity building in the area of sustainable fisheries development. Emphasis were also
made for the importance of considering the establishment of joint Africa-Arab companies
for marine fishing, aquaculture and fish processing.