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AOAD organizes a national training Course on " Development of Agricultural Marketing Strategies " at its Head Office in Khartoum, Sudan, 22-26/12/2013, for 22 Arab trainees


The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development(AOAD) has organized a national training Course on "Development of Agricultural Marketing Strategies". The training course was held at AOAD Head Office in Khartoum, Sudan, from 22-26/12/2013, and was attended by ( 22) Arab candidates representing (12) Arab countries, namely: Algeria, Iraq, Jordon, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Tunisia.

In his inaugural speech, Dr. Tariq Al-Zadjali, the Director General of AOAD explained that the training course was held within the activities of the Arab Program for Agriculture and Fisheries Training. He described the theme of the course as one of great importance as it dealt with one of the components of the value chain that has been given but little consideration if any. Absence of such marketing strategies, he explained, has resulted in the loss of many crops, and eventual loss of scarce water in the Arab region saying that the right policy is to produce for the market and not to create a market for what you prodnce.

 The training course aimed at building the capacities and developing of skills in the area of agricultural marketing in the Arab Countries, in order to spread awareness and introduce modern agricultural marketing concepts and techniques. It further aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of the Arab agricultural products to promote and develop the Arab agricultural exports and improve the logistical infrastructure in the area of agricultural marketing.

The training program has covered a number of topics including marketing strategies and Concepts and Applications and analysis of marketing strategies as well as practices on planning and organizing marketing operations. It has also dealt with such issues as the definition of agricultural products marketing strategy, marketing information strategy and promotion, distribution, sale and pricing strategies. It further elaborated the facilitation of market access, identification of the marketing information systems, methodologies for the analysis of agricultural commodities marketing policies, beside the infrastructure and other necessary requirements for the improvement of the marketing channels of agricultural products.

The trainees interacted and expressed their benefit and satisfaction with the content of the course. They praised the efforts of AOAD in the areas of human resources development, capacity building and promotion of skills.




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