The Arab Organization for Agricultural development (AOAD) held the 2nd Regular Meeting of plant production Research and Technology Transfer Officials, under the theme: Research and Extension Systems and the Relation Between Them". The meeting took place at AOAD Head Office in Khartoum, Sudan, from 29-31/12/2013.It was conducted under the framework of the Arab Strategy for Sustainable agricultural development for the two decades (2005-2025), and as part of the implementation of the components of the subprogram on "Coordination of Agricultural Research Policies and Technology Transfer" of its 2013 work plan.

The meeting aimed at reviewing of research and extension systems and the relation between them in the Arab countries, facilitation of exchange of expertise and promotion of fruitful cooperation between the Arab countries in the areas of research and extension policies and systems and to draw a national mechanism for Arab coordination in those fields.
The meeting was attended by a number of senior Arab plant production officials and researchers who are involved in extension and technology transfer besides invited scientific speakers. The meeting addressed the following topics:
The status quo of agricultural research and extension in the Arab Countries and their correlation.
Agricultural extension systems, stages of their development and change requirements.
Agricultural research systems that cope with the requirements of Arab sustainable agricultural development and food security.
Coordination mechanisms between agricultural research centers, agricultural education and extension institutions.
It is worth mentioning that the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) held the "1st Regular Meeting for the Plant Production Research and Technology Transfer Officials and Researchers" at Amman, Jordan, 10-12/12/2012. The meeting was a success hence the commitment of the organization to hold this 2nd meeting.
