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Arab Organization for Agricultural Development

المنظمة العربية للتنمية الزراعية  


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Training Course in the field of "Good Practices in Emergency Situations for Transboundary Animal Diseases"

The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) organized a training course in the field of “Good Practices in Emergency Situations for Transboundary Animal Diseases", from the 2nd to the 6th of December 2108 in Egypt. The participants were 12 Arab epidemiologists and veterinarians from, Egypt, Tunisia, Comoros, Sudan, Libya, Algeria, and Mauritania.

 The course included several lectures on the basics of analysis and contingency plans for animal diseases, the detection of transboundary diseases through early warning systems, the types of monitoring and control systems, the methods of securing borders and means of regional cooperation to prevent the entry of these diseases and implementation of contingency plans. Moreover, a practical session on Simulation Exercises on preventing the transmission of epidemics to local animals and prevention plans on the policies for the competent authority to eliminate outbreaks.

 The training course aimed to build the capacity of the Arab veterinary personnel in the field of good practices for emergencies of animal diseases, identification of the seriousness of transboundary diseases and the importance of addressing them through (preparation, prevention, detection, response, recovery). Moreover, train the trainees on how to prepare for transboundary diseases during contingency plans, how to detect through early warning and monitoring systems, how to respond to prevent outbreaks and to ensure recovery of health conditions.





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