The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD)
launched on Sunday the 12th till the 15th of November 2017,
a training course on ''Designing epidemiological surveys and
data analysis for Rift Valley Fever disease''. The
participants were 21 veterinarians from the Ministry of
Agriculture and Land Reclamation of Egypt.

The training program included theoretical and practical lectures on the
following topics; epidemiological surveys, how systems are designed for
Rift Valley Fever disease, definition of the pathological condition of
the survey, types of data, how they are treated and presented using
Eucalyptus, identifying samples for epidemiological survey and size
calculation using OPEN EPI-EPIINFO-OPITOOL , sensitivity epidemiological surveys (theoretical and practical), how to report on them and finally assessment of survey systems and how to monitor the surveillance system and surveys.