H.E Prof. Ibrahim Adam El Dukhiri, the Director General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD), inaugurated the meeting of the AOAD's liaison officers of the Arab Maghreb Region, held in Tunis on the 13th of December 2017.
H.E Prof. El Dukhiri, said during the meeting, that the Arab Maghreb countries are strategically located on the shores of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean. He added that it extends to the Arab world and Africa and near to the European Union. He also said that the Maghreb countries are rich with the natural resources that support the economic integration and contribute to the sustainable agricultural development and the Arab food security.

H.E Prof. El Dukhiri stressed that this meeting is of great importance as it connects the efforts of the AOAD's liaison officers in the Maghreb countries. This comes in light of the agreement of the Regional Office for the Regional Maghreb office signed in 2017. The office supervises the programs and activities of the AOAD in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania and Libya.
The meeting discussed the mechanisms of communication with the AOAD and how to implement the activities related to this region. The meeting also focused on the means of developing the methods of; collecting agricultural and fishery statistics data, preparing the Arab food security situation report, and developing the (content - data - information required) , follow-up reports on the implementation of the components of the emergency program for the Arab food security program, follow-up the implementation of the sustainable Arab agricultural development strategy (2005-2025), as well as following up the sustainable development goals 2030.