H.E Dr. Rafik Saleh, the Director General of the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry lands (ACSAD) visited the headquarters of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) on the 9th of January 2018. A delegation of experts from the ACSAD accompanied Dr Rafik. They were received by H.E Prof. Ibrahim Adam El Dukhiri, the Director General of the AOAD.
The meeting came within the framework of achieving the joint Arab action within the league of Arab States organizations.

This meeting was the execution of the decisions of the Economic and Social Council and the Higher Coordinating Committee for joint Arab action. Accordingly, the two parties desired to achieve development in the Arab agricultural sector, and the exchange of the expertise.

The two sides also discussed the need to enhance the scientific and technical cooperation. Moreover, to spread the modern and advanced technologies in the fields of Arab agricultural development. Especially in the field of education and technology. As well as the cooperation in the field of livestock, water use, conducting joint studies and researches in various agricultural fields.

At the end of the meeting, the two parties exchanged shields expressing the strength of their relationship. H.E Dr. Rafiq Saleh expressed his thanks and gratitude for the warm welcome and interest extended to him and the accompanying delegation. He invited H.E Prof El Dukhiri and the AOAD experts to visit the ACSAD headquarters. All possible fields and to make more efforts and work to increase and improve the Arab agricultural production.
