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Arab Organization for Agricultural Development

المنظمة العربية للتنمية الزراعية  


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Professor El Dukhiri emphasizes the increasing role of the Arab Organization for

Agricultural Development in achieving the Arab food security

The Sudanese Ministry of Finance and National Economy and in coordination with the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development organized a workshop on the initiative of the Sudanese president Al Bashir. The initiative was on the Arab food security. The workshop lasted for two days, the 10th – 11th of January 2018 in Khartoum.

H.E Prof. Ibrahim Adam El Dukhiri, Director General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD), stressed the AOAD's readiness to contribute in achieving Sudan's food security initiative. The AOAD is one of the League of Arab States organizations and specialized in agriculture.

H.E Prof. El Dukhiri also discussed Sudan's ability to fill the food gap faced by the Arab countries. Adding that Sudan has a great wealth and natural resources represented in; fresh water, skilled Sudanese labor and arable lands. He stressed the study's outcomes as it represents the basic mechanism for achieving Arab food security. The study assessed the current and projected food security situation in the Arab countries. The assessment was for establishing the necessary measures, by supporting agricultural production in Sudan in order to achieve Arab food security.

H.E Prof. El Dukhiri noted that Al Bashir's initiative came during the Arab Summit held in Riyadh in 2013. The initiative was adopted by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development. The Fund signed a contract with a German consulting company ( Lahmeyer International) to prepare and implement a study on the initiative.

 The consultant of Lahmeyer International said that the consultancy study concluded the feasibility study plan for (24) projects and infrastructure development, adding that the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development is preparing the feasibility study for the Sudan Initiative for Arab Food Security to establish investments. In addition to the water harvesting projects, the creation of large areas of Sudan that constitutes 10% of the total land area. The study included the preparation of a comprehensive plan and a timetable for the development of the agriculture sector in Sudan, based on the projects that are identified by experts, specialists and priorities of the Sudanese government.





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