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Arab Organization for Agricultural Development

المنظمة العربية للتنمية الزراعية  


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H.E Prof. Ibrahim Al-Dukhiri - AOAD


Dr. Ibrahim Thiaw - (UNEP)

H.E Prof. Ibrahim Adam El-Dukhiri, Director General of AOAD, met Dr. Ibrahim Thiaw, Deputy Executive Director for the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations, on the 19th of October 2017 at the headquarters of the League of Arab States, Cairo, Egypt. This meeting came during the meetings of the 29th Session of the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment.

 H.E Prof. El-Dukhiri stressed that AOAD is enhancing cooperation with international, regional and Arab organizations. Moreover, H.E reviewed the organization's development activities for achieving food security and sustainable agricultural development in the Arab region. H.E pointed out that the organization gives great attention to environmental issues, desertification and climate change.

Dr. Ibrahim Thiaw stressed that UNEP is the leading global environmental authority that sets the schedule for global environmental actions. It promotes the harmonious implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development. He stressed the need for sustainable modes of consumption and production and for reducing food losses according to goal (12) of the SDGs.He pointing to the importance of water harvesting and the use of rain in agriculture in the Arab region to reduce the impact of drought.

Both sides agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding in the near future, including the joint objectives in the fields of climate change, agriculture, food security, capacity building, and the environmentally friendly economy.