The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) organized a national training course in the field of Developing Statistical Programs and Information, from the 30th of September to the
2th of October 2018, in Algeria. The participants were 30 trainees of agricultural statistics and research in the Ministry of Agriculture, Technical Institutes and Agricultural Directorates.

The trainees received the latest technologies on agricultural statistics and their role in sound strategic planning. The participants were trained in data collection methods such as the comprehensive survey (agricultural census), the use of modern technology in the electronic agricultural statistics and the use of random sampling methods in estimating productivity and checking the cultivated areas of strategic crops.

The participants were also trained on how to design questionnaires, types of questions to be added in the form, characteristics and disadvantages of each type. The data types, statistical variables and statistical analysis were also identified for each type. The participants were also asked how to build the databases and programs used to build these rules.
It is worth mentioning that some Arab experiments were reviewed, such as the experiences of Algeria and Egypt in the use of statistical methods in estimating productivity of wheat crop, using harvest experiments and using predictive methods in estimating productivity through plant parameters of yield.