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Arab Organization for Agricultural Development

المنظمة العربية للتنمية الزراعية  


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The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development participated in a meeting on technical and vocational education in the Arab countries

The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) participated in the Consultative Meeting of Arab, regional and international organizations that discussed the implementation of the Arab Summit resolution on upgrading the technical and vocational education system in the Arab countries. The meeting was held at the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States on the 24th of September 2019.

The agenda of the meeting included a presentation of the efforts and visions of regional and international organizations, in addition to a brainstorming session to reach a draft joint plan of action to implement the summit decisions on upgrading the technical and vocational education system in the Arab countries. The meeting ended after two days of deliberations on drafting a Joint Action Plan and the formation of a Committee to follow up the plan.

AOAD representative presented AOAD’s vision for the development of vocational and technical education, which included a comprehensive plan for the development of the technical education and vocational training system in the Arab countries through improving the technical education system and the importance of improving the quality of education and facilitating the transition of technical education graduates to the market.





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