H.E Prof Ibrahim Adam El Dukhiri the Director General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, inaugurated in Algeria, on the 11th of November 2017 in cooperation with the Algerian Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries the six days training course on the ''Field of Modern Technologies and Methods of Marine Fishing. Participants were 20 trainees from the Arab countries.

A number of experts attended the inauguration, such as the Director General of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department representing the Algerian Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries and the Country Representative of FAO to Algeria. The Minister's and FAO Country Representatives praised the intensive activities of the AOAD during the last few months either with governments or new partners.

H.E Prof El Dukhiri expressed his deep thanks to the Government and people of Algeria, especially the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Marine Fishing. He stressed the importance of strengthening Arab cooperation in the areas of fisheries. He also encouraged the participants to attend the theoretical lectures and practical field applications so as to make the most of the course program. H.E motivated the participants to apply the new knowledge gained after returning home to improve the performance of the fishing sector in their home countries.

The training course was attended by representatives from nine Arab countries: Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Oman, Iraq, Qatar and Mauritania.
After that H.E Prof El Dukhiri headed to the capital Algeria. He visited The Seeds & Seedling Certification Center. The Director of the center briefed H.E Prof El Dukhiri on the role of the center in controlling seeds and seedlings in its different stages (production and multiplication).

H.E then had toured the centers' various departments and laboratories, which included a laboratory for morphology control and viral control. At the end of his visit, H.E recorded his impressions in the Centers Golden Record.
