H.E Prof. Ibrahim Adam El Dukhiri, the Director General of the AOAD, visited Algeria on the 7th of November 2017. During his visit he met H.E Mr Abd Al Gadir Bo Azgi the Algerian Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries. The meeting was attended by Algerian officials from the ministry.

H.E Mr Abd Al Gadir appreciated the great efforts of H.E Prof El Dukhiri on strengthening the relation between the AOAD and Algeria. The latest event, was the opening of the Regional Office in the Arab Maghreb Region, which is based in Algeria. H.E Mr Abd Al Gadir also mentioned Algeria's accomplishments that were achieved during the last few years (almost achieved its food security). He also assured H.E Prof El Dukhiri that he will follow personally all the outstanding issues that hinder the cooperation between the ministry and the AOAD. On the other hand. H.E Prof El Dukhiri stressed that he is keen to develop cooperation on new bases, and that he is optimistic after establishing the new office in Algeria.

At the end of the meeting, H.E Prof El Dukhiri presented the shield of the AOAD to H.E Mr Abd Al Gadir.

H.E Prof El Dukhiri and his delegation visited the historical places in Algeria. Afterwards, the AOAD delegation was invited to a working lunch organized by H.E Mr Abd Al Gadir. Then the DG visited the National Institute of Cultures and the National Plant Protection Center. He was received by a highly qualified team from both of the institutions, and was briefed on their goals and activities.
