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Arab Organization for Agricultural Development

المنظمة العربية للتنمية الزراعية  


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The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development efforts to improve productivity in Darfur

The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD), in collaboration with the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources of South Darfur, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Program (WFP), are continuing their efforts to improve productivity in Darfur states.

AOAD participated in the celebrations of the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources in South Darfur State in celebrating the event of the Field Day on the 13th of November 2019 in the provinces of Edalfirsan and Mersheng.

 In his speech, the Director General of the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources stressed that the project comes within the ministry's interest in transferring agricultural packages and technologies, improving animal offspring, providing livelihoods for women and raising the income of the rural communities, praising the cooperative work that creates a spirit of solidarity in the society. He also called the agricultural associations to diversify their productive activities.

 The representative of AOAD explained that the project is part of the post Darfur war projects. He added that it is a transitional period from the aids to the production period through the activities of organizations working in the field of women's development. He pointed out that there were many entities involved in supporting the project in coordination with the ministries of production and economic resources in the five states of Darfur.

The Executive Director of Blail Locality praised the efforts of the Ministry of Production and Economic Resources and its partners in supporting the small farmers through the women's agricultural associations. He pointed out that Hamed Al-Raheed Association includes (24) women who were trained on the application of technical packages and they planted (27) acres of maize, (7) acres of beans and (5) acres of sesame. It is worth mentioning that AOAD distributed 12,750 seedlings of coniferous (apples, grapes, peaches, plums, etc.) in the states of South and Central Darfur in order to improve the local production and diversify sources of income for farmers and supply to other states.





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