The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) - Regional Office for the Arab Mashreq in cooperation with the Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) organized training field days from 8-15 / 7/2019 on "Controlling the Indian Red Palm Weevil” within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between AOAD and FAO in March 2019 to implement a special program to control the Indian Red Palm Weevil and the implementation of various activities, including the implementation of (10) days field training for farmers and technicians. Four courses were implemented, for 111 trainees in the Jordan Valley areas - Deir Ola Ghor Kebd, Northern Aghwar, Southern Shouneh and Azraq / Zarqa Governorate.

The training program included the definition of insect phases and their apparent symptoms and how to detect them in the field, in addition to the types of treatments used and methods.
It is worth mentioning that the date palm cultivation in Jordan has increased during the last twenty years to about 41439 dunams according to the statistics of 2018.The infestation and spread of the red palm weevil insect started since 1999.