The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) held a training course in cooperation with the Sudanese Ministry of Animal Wealth and Fisheries, in the field of “Entrepreneurship" for training of trainers (ToT) on 20-23 October 2019 in Khartoum, Sudan, at the headquarters of AOAD. The participants were 25 employees from the ministry.

AOAD Acting Director General and Director of the Administrative and Financial Affairs Eng. Raed Fayez Hattar, said during his speech to the participants that entrepreneurship is the main way out to face the economic challenges in the Arab countries through the development of small and medium businesses in order to enhance the capabilities and skills of the youth from both sexes in the establishment and management of small and medium projects. Moreover, the increase of employment opportunities, develop business plans, and strengthen entrepreneurial competencies through the preparing a group of specialized trainers and provide them with the necessary skills that enable them to help and support the beginners of entrepreneurs to be able to continue expanding, diversifying and marketing their products and services, which will maximize their profits. He stressed the keenness of AOAD to provide technical support to Arab countries to raise the capacity of their workers, especially in the field of entrepreneurship.

The four-day course tackled the concepts of entrepreneurship development, the establishment of small and medium enterprises and microenterprises, the program of training and developing entrepreneurs, ways and stages of application and requirements, as well as the definition of entrepreneur and stages of preparation and empowerment of entrepreneurs, in addition to ways and means to promote entrepreneurship development programs, the mechanism of enterprise growth and how to shift from Micro-enterprises to small and medium enterprises through intensive training in entrepreneurship.
