The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) organized a training course on " Integrated Crop Management using Agrometeorological Data " during the 19th till the 23rd of November 2017 in Egypt. The participants were 20 Egyptian trainees.
The course covered the following topics; the management of agrometeorological stations, dealing with meteorological data, collecting and reviewing data, databases, weather forecasting and satellite images in monitoring drought and its impact on agricultural crops. The program also included the effects of climate change on agricultural production and the prediction of fungal diseases of plants on the basis of the meteorological data. The participants were also introduced to integrated plant management using the agricultural agendas and the economics of integrated crop management in different climatic regions.
It is worth mentioning that the training course aimed to raise the efficiency of the participants and increase their experience in order to improve the production of high quality agricultural crops products.