The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, HE Dr. Abdullatif Mohamed Ahmed Ajimi, on Monday, 16/10/2017, honored H.E Prof. Ibrahim Adam Ahmed El-Dukheiry, Director-General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) in recognition of his outstanding efforts in the field of agriculture.
This came during the celebrations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization- Regional Office (FAO) and the World Food Program- Regional Office (WFP) on the World Food Day, under the theme " Change the future of migration: Invest in food security and rural development".
The program included a speech by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, HE Dr. Ajimi, HE Mr. Baba Ghanah Ahmado, Country Representative -FAO, Mr. Matthew Hollingworth Country Director Representative- WFP, who focused on the importance of eliminating hunger and achieving food security and sustainable agriculture, stressing that this is not done without addressing the linkages between food security, rural development and migration.
In his speech, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Dr. Ajimi explained the need to address the root causes and motives of migration. The United Nations statistics indicated that there were 244 million international migrants, while 763 million emigrate within their own countries. The program aims to achieve self-sufficiency and food security and create more job opportunities for young people. It is headed by President Omar al-Bashir's initiative for food security and the national plan for investing in agriculture 2016-2020, which includes 236 development projects causing sustainable economic growth.
The world celebrates on the 16th of October each year the World Food Day, that was declared by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
