The Director General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD), H.E Prof. Ibrahim Adam El Dukheri, headed the Technical and Scientific Committees First Meeting for the Sudan International Food Safety Conference on the 15th of January 2019, at the premises of AOAD in Khartoum, Sudan. Sudan International Food Safety Conference will be held from the 8th to the 10th of April 2019 in Khartoum, Sudan.

H.E Prof. El Dukheri, stressed that the conference is a Sudanese national, regional and international initiative to promote food safety and reduce the risks associated to food safety. It is continuously concerned with achieving food safety through the development of food control systems along the food chain from the farm to consumer. He added that it will also strengthen the capacities of the institutions and technical skills of the Sudanese cadres working in the field of food safety, as well as to raise awareness and spread the culture of food safety in the food establishments.

H.E Prof. El Dukheri, pointed out that the conference aims to develop the legislative environment related to the food safety and its adaptation to the regional and international standards and regulations which are necessary to keep up with the global trend towards achieving the sustainable development goals (2030) and enhancing the competitiveness of Sudan's food commodities in order to reach regional and global markets.

The conference will be attended by a number of relevant government institutions, with the participation of H.E Mr. Moataz Musa Abdullah Salim, Prime Minister of the Sudanese Government. Moreover, the participation will be wide from international and regional organizations working in the field of food safety, relevant educational institutions, universities and research and advisory institutions, the national, regional and international private sectors concerned with the production, processing and marketing of food and civil society organizations concerned with the food safety inside and outside the Sudan.
As well as a number of international experts to showcase successful food safety experiences. The conference will discuss a number of topics such as legislation and laws related to food safety, organization and institutional coordination of the technical bodies concerned with food safety in Sudan, technologies and good practices in the field of food safety and trade systems in food commodities and products, besides the role of governments and civil society institutions in promoting food safety and successful experiences in strengthening food safety systems (international - regional countries).