The Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) Director-General H.E Prof Ibrahim Adam El Dukheri, inaugurated two training courses during the period from
15-22 / 07/2018 at the headquarters of the AOAD in Khartoum, Sudan. The first was in the field of “Monitoring and Assessing of Land Degradation using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems”, and the second was in the field of “Design of Epidemiological Surveys and Data Analysis for Foot and Mouth Disease”.

The first training course of “Monitoring and Assessing of Land Degradation using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems” aimed to familiarize Arab cadres with the tools adopted in Land Degradation Assessment, introduce the principles and applications of remote sensing and understand the physical foundations of remote sensing, image processing, interpretation and image processing, in addition to identifying, understanding and analyzing sustainable development indicators with land degradation. The course targeted Arab cadres working in ministries of agriculture (Jordan, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Somalia, Iraq, Oman, Palestine, Lebanon, Libya, Egypt and Yemen)

The second training course of “Design of Epidemiological Surveys and Data Analysis for Foot and Mouth Disease” aimed to raise the capacity building of the Sudanese staff working in the ministries of livestock in the various states of Sudan and to develop the skills of the participants in designing epidemiological surveys and data analysis for foot and mouth disease. That came in the framework of the Second Year Plan of the National Program for the Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases in the Arab Region.

The program includes the definition of epidemiology, identification of epidemiological surveys and sampling for the preparation and logistical arrangements of the epidemiological survey.
