The Assistant Director General the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) Dr. Ahmed Abdul Waly Al Samawi received at AOAD on Tuesday 24/7/2018the Chadian Minister of Economic Planning and Development Dr. ISSA DOUBRA GNE, heading a delegation from his country to discuss with the officials of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) and AOAD the ongoing preparations for the Arab Investment Forum, which will be held in the Chadian capital N'Djamena, during the month of November.

Dr. Al Samawi briefed Dr. ISSA on the role of AOAD in the field of agricultural development and food security that serves the Arab countries as well as the fruitful cooperation between the AOAD and BADEA. Moreover, Dr Al Samawi briefed the meeting by the financed projects by the BADEA for the feasibility studies of some projects in African countries, in addition to the training programs and capacity building. As an example of this cooperation, is the study carried out by AOAD, funded by BADEA to diagnose the agricultural, animal and fish resources in the five Sahel countries.

Dr. ISSA expressed his thanks and appreciation to AOAD and its Director General for the efforts exerted. He explained that the information included in the study around Chad is likely to be a main source of nutrition for the preliminary studies to be carried out in preparation for the symposium of Arab Investment Forum in Chad, which is under preparation. Dr. ISSA explained that he is counting on AOAD’s contribution to the preparation and organization of this event and expresses his thanks on behalf of the President, the Government and the Chadian people to the Director General of AOAD
H.E Professor Ibrahim Adam El-Dukhiri, for his interest in developing and strengthening cooperation with African countries in general and Chad in particular.
Dr. Al Samawi that AOAD will spare no effort to keep up with the preparation of this symposium and hope that it will succeed in the development and prosperity of the historic, cultural and civilized country of Chad, one of the closest countries of
sub-Saharan Africa to the Arab States.