The Director General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD), H.E Prof. Ibrahim Adam El Dukhiri, inaugurated on the 14th of January 2019 at AOAD premises two important meetings. The expert meetings were, “Harmonizing the Arab Strategy for Sustainable Agriculture Development 2030” and “The 4th meeting for the Arab Network for Genetic Resources for Animal and Agriculture liaison officers”.

During the inauguration of “Harmonizing the Arab Strategy for Sustainable Agriculture Development 2030” meeting, H.E Prof. El Dukhiri said that the Arab leaders entrusted AOAD at the Arab Summit in Algeria 2005 to put a long-term strategic framework for joint Arab agricultural action and the preparation of an Arab strategy for sustainable agricultural development 2005-2025 in order to meet the needs of the Arab countries, achieve Arab agricultural integration and enhance the competitiveness of Arab agricultural products in the Arab and international markets.

H.E Prof. El Dukhiri added, in the presence of the former Directors General of AOAD and a number of senior experts from the Arab countries, AOAD has prepared the strategy and was adopted at the Arab Summit in Riyadh 2007 and was considered as part of the joint strategy of Arab economic and social action. He noted that since the adoption of the strategy by their Excellencies the leaders of the Arab countries, and AOAD is monitoring Arab countries' implementation of the programs and components of the strategy. These follow-ups have been documented in annual special reports, from the beginning of the strategy up to date.

H.E Prof. El Dukhiri said that the General Assembly of AOAD at its 35th session in the Dead Sea, Jordan, during the period 23-26 / 201/2018 issued a decision to harmonize the sustainable Arab agricultural development strategy for the decade 2005-2025 and adapt it to the goals of sustainable development 2030, and to meet the international and regional progress, scientific developments and new global trends and their implications on the Arab arena, especially with regard to achieving the goals of sustainable development.

During the opening session of “The 4th meeting for the Arab Network for Genetic Resources for Animal and Agriculture liaison officers”, H.E Prof. El Dukhiri said in his speech, that livestock wealth in the Arab region was estimated at 351 million head in 2017, pointing out that these animals, despite their high capacity to adapt to the Arab environment, have a modest contribution of 5.2 million tons of red meat and 28 tons of dairy products. He pointed out that this is due to the traditional systems of production and poor infrastructure in most areas of livestock, and the absence of genetic improvement programs in many Arab countries. It is noted that all poultry production and some dairy production depends on the importation of production inputs from animals, feed and others from abroad.
H.E Prof. El Dukhiri stressed the importance of preserving and improving Arab animal breeds and their genetic diversity, because it allows adaptation to climate change, changes in production systems, changes in market demand and laws.
He added the AOAD held training sessions on the collection, characterization and conservation of genetic resources for animal and agriculture, and implemented the Arab Guidance Law to manage these resources. AOAD experts have also developed and designed an electronic network to monitor the five main species of Arabian breeds, which act as an early warning system indicating the degree of threat to Arab livestock assets and provide the necessary information for investment in livestock.