The Director General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) H.E Prof. Ibrahim Adam El Dukhiri visited the Sudanese Federal Minister of Animal Resources, H.E Mr. Adam Abdel Karim Dakash, on Sunday 23/12/2018.
The two sides discussed a number of important issues and areas of cooperation between AOAD and the ministry regarding animal health, focusing on transboundary diseases, in which the AOAD is implementing a 4 million US dollar project that will end in the mid of 2019.

H.E Prof. El Dukhiri pointed out that AOAD prepared the document of the third phase after the success of the first and second phase of the project. He added that there will be significant roles and contributions so as to achieve great achievements in combating transboundary diseases to ensure a healthy herd at the Arabic local and regional levels.
During the meeting, H.E Prof. El Dukhiri presented to H.E Mr. Dakash a briefing on the ongoing arrangements for the Sudan Food Safety International Conference on, which AOAD intends to organize in the second week of April 2019.
H.E Prof. El Dukhiri stressed the importance of setting up this conference, which is expected to host a large number of those concerned with the food safety from all over the world, and that the purpose is to open an important file benefiting the Sudan through the specialized ministries to achieve the maximum advantage. He added that there is an international dimension and coordination required to make breakthroughs to overcome obstacles the issue of food safety to achieve trade exchange between the Sudan and the Arab region and the regional and international environment.
For his part, H.E Mr. Dakash expressed his full readiness to cooperate and coordinate with AOAD within the framework of the project to combat transboundary diseases and stressed the commitment of his ministry to support this project to make the necessary shift in the field of combating transboundary diseases. He added that Sudan will achieve maximum use of regional cooperation in combating transboundary animal diseases in order to develop the livestock sector and achieve food security in the region.