The Director General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) H.E Prof Ibrahim Adam El Dukhiri, signed three documents with the Director General of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) Dr Sidi Ould Tah.

The first document was a memorandum of understanding which will represent a general framework for the cooperation between the BADEA and the AOAD. The second document concerned the agreement to finance the study of agricultural, livestock and fish resources of the Five Sahel countries which will be executed by the AOAD and funded by the BADEA. The third document concerned financing a training course in the field of controlling transboundary animal diseases for cadres of the African English-speaking countries, to be executed by the AOAD and funded by the BADEA.
The total financing of these activities from BADEA is approximately half a million dollars. Beside this funding by the BADEA was also approved for a training course in the field of artificial insemination in cattle for the cadres of the French-speaking African countries.