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Arab Organization for Agricultural Development

المنظمة العربية للتنمية الزراعية  


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The 12th Dubai International Food Safety Conference

On October 29, 2018, the Director General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD), H.E Prof Ibrahim Adam El Dukheri, attended the launch of the 12th Dubai International Food Safety Conference under the theme "Global food regulatory trends", held at Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center, with the participation of food safety experts from all around the world.

H.E Prof El Dukheri’s participation in this conference is for the concern of AOAD to the issues of agricultural development and food security and safety. AOAD is ready to cooperate with all Arab, regional and international organizations working in the field of food safety and sustainability.

The conference discussed the most important issues related to the various food legislations and their impact on the international trade and inter-Arab trade and food security and safety. The program also includes panel discussions on enhancing cooperation and sustainability of capacity building efforts and cooperation between international and Arab legislators in the area of food safety and the use of quality management systems to prevent food fraud and the impact of the food safety chain.

In addition models of legislation and food systems in the Arab countries were presented. Experts and specialists reviewed various food legislations and its impact on international and interregional trade in the region. Moreover, several studies and working papers were provided that dealt mainly with how to harmonize laws and procedures related to food in a way that ensures the safety of food without affecting its sustainability and smooth flow between countries easily.

 The conference is held every year to improve food safety standards in the Arab region and has become an internationally recognized food safety event in the Middle East and the world.






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