Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) in collaboration with Food and agriculture Organization for united nation- regional office for North Africa and Near East(FAO/RNE) have organized on 7th of October 2018 the final workshop on Date value chain study and the strategic framework for the development of the sector. It is worth mentioning that FAO and AOAD through partnership program have engaged in a detailed dates palm value chain study in Arab region, the study includes country level studies, sub-regional and regional consultative meetings with concerned stakeholders including public and private sector. Based on the study results a strategic framework has been developed andan alliance for the development of the date’s sector has been formed from AOAD, FAO, ICARDA, ICBA and Khalifa international Award on dates production and innovations.

The opening session has been addressed by DR. Mona Mohriz the Deputy minister of Agriculture, Agricultural reform, livestock and fisheries, Arab republic of Egypt DR. Abdelsalam Would Ahmed DGR for FAO/RNE, Prof. Ibrahim Adam Ahmed Eldukheri the Director General of AOAD .
The workshop has been attended by many government officials from Arab countries, experts, private companies and civil society concerned with date’s sector.

The workshop will last for two days in which the results of the study and the strategic framework will be presented and discussed. Also a proposed platform for the engagement of partners and alliance members will be presented and discussed as a way forward for the development of date’s sector in Arab region.